Taskbar Client Overview
The Taskbar Client can display a config file in your Windows taskbar. After installing Samurize (and rebooting your computer), you can enable the Taskbar Client by right-clicking on your Windows taskbar and selecting Toolbars -> Serious Samurize. After a few moments a toolbar titled 'Serious Samurize vX.XX' will appear in your taskbar.

When you right-click in the area just to the right of the toolbar title (or on the config if one is loaded), you are presented with the following menu:

Select Config File Choose which config file you want like to display. Remember that config files are stored in the /Configs subdirectory of your Samurize folder (C:/Program Files/Samurize/Configs by default).
Reload Config After making changes to your config file using the Config Editor, use this option to reload (refresh) your config.
Edit Config File... Opens the config file currently being displayed in the Config Editor.
Instance Manager... Launches the Instance Manager
No Constraints If you are having trouble positioning the Samurize toolbar, enabling this option may help.
Pause Stops Samurize from updating its display.
Client Info Config Name: The name of configuration file being displayed.
About Displays information about the current version of the Samurize Client.
Language Allows you to select the language in which options and menus are displayed. Language files can be downloaded from samurize.com and are stored in your Samurize/lang directory
Check for updates Checks the version of Samurize you are running and informs you if a new version is available.
Exit Quits the Samurize Client.

The Taskbar Client can be moved around and undocked like any other Windows toolbar. To remove the 'Serious Samurize vX.XX' title, make sure your taskbar is unlocked, then right-click on the title and deselect 'Show Title'.